Current Harris County SPLOST

The county voters approved to continue the 1% Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) an additional six years beginning April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2025. SPLOST funds were voted to be used for public safety vehicles and equipment, community center debt repayments, renovations to the courthouse, old library, and community development building, economic development and broadband, public works facility, road and bridge improvements, Man O’ War trail continuation, and city projects. Thus far, SPLOST funds have been used for EMS ambulances, extrication tools, cardiac monitors, stretchers, and airbag kits, VFD equipment, Sheriff Office vehicles and equipment, 911 generator, public works facility, courthouse renovations, old library renovations into Mercer Med Community Clinic, Northwest Harris Business Park improvements, community center debt, Man O’ War trail improvements, and city projects.